

Judi & Ellis Adler
12320 SW Malloy
Sherwood, OR  97140
(503) 682-0604


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Puppy Book?

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 We are Judi and Ellis Adler. We have devoted over four decades to the breed we love, and to the owners who have become part of our extended Sweetbay family.

At the start of 2014, we made the difficult decision to cease breeding. There will be no more puppies in the whelping box, no more puppies charging up the shavings pile or bouncing into visitors’ laps. But before you click us off, we encourage you to delve a bit deeper into our web site. There’s a wealth of helpful information inside. Scroll down the menu on the left for a source of valuable information about the health of the breed. Or read about Judi’s respected and cherished books on training your Newfoundland, and how to order them.

We’ve been asked, “Why have a web site when you’re no longer selling puppies?” Because “selling puppies” wasn’t remotely where we put our energy. Creating wonderful puppies, yes. But we wanted to help others do a good job when raising their dogs by making available the health data, the training books, and the workshops and personalized training that we offer. And we also wanted a way to honor the present and past Sweetbay dogs and owners who demonstrated exceptional teamwork.

Is this the first time you've visited Sweetbay's website? A very good place to start is the
Introductory section where you can learn more about who we are and what we do. Or you can click on Puppy Life at Sweetbay and watch Sweetbay puppies go from conception to birth to eight weeks of age. You can’t help but smile at those wonderful puppy photographs.

NEW! In August 2016, we added a new feature. The site has always had hundreds of photographs, but Judi has created a Gallery of photos to highlight over a hundred very special Sweetbay dogs.

NEW! Also in August 2016, we began accepting credit card orders for Judi’s books. This makes ordering the books more convenient for you, the buyer, and gets the books to you even faster.

Contact us via email

Sweetbay NewfoundlandsTM is a trademark of Judi and Ellis Adler